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Create Your Destiny (CYD)

I’ve been working in the complementary and alternative health field for over twenty years so I’m no stranger to personal development work. I wrote the following sentence to a friend a week or so before beginning CYD (Create Your Destiny)  

“It feels like I have spent my life using my skills to help others but with the underlying need to validate myself. Like my life is a massive compensation for a person of perceived vast unworthiness. I feel my efforts cancel themselves out, and I stay stuck in the same place, despite looking like I’m moving.” 

After CYD, I have an understanding and explanation, and a way to choose and create a different future. 

I’ve done a lot of work, a lot of reading and a lot of courses on body, mind and spirit but nothing has impacted me like CYD. This course will blow the lid off everything you ever thought you knew. It will open up your world to a whole new way of being. It’s not for the faint hearted so if you’re not ready to take full responsibility for who you are and the life you want to live, then you need to pass on this. BUT, if you want to step up to the plate and be the master of the rest of your life, then jump on board.

 If you show up and commit to the process, CYD will not disappoint. You’ll meet some extraordinary people, including you!  I will never regret this decision and I’m beyond curious to see just what kind of magical life I can create from implementing these teachings. Bring it on… 

Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie

Author, Public Speaker and Holistic Gut Health Specialist

CYD (Create Your Destiny) journey has provided me with the platform to reconnect and explore my inner being. 

Previous to CYD I had been stressed and holding onto tension relating to personal matters which has now given me wisdom and shown me the power of holding the tension to achieve my purpose in life. 

Exploring the Hero’s Journey and going back into the womb was emotional.  The Land of Plenty was most enjoyable where I created my choices and was made aware that I need to be consistent and committed to doing my choices on a daily basis. 

Also looking at the current reality and returning to the vision made my eyes water..  This meditation by William enabled me to empty the toxins within, let go of the need to know and made me realise how true it is within my life that’s magic. 

The key factor for me is to follow my truth as this will give me power to serve my purpose and Intuition has enabled me to create magic.

The experience of CYD created powerful energy and synergy together with the group participants and an overall experience that has been Empowering Enlightenment Elevation in togetherness creating Magic.

William and the Natural Success Team – Heartfelt Love for a Magical CYD Experience.


Thank you so much for my place in the last Australian Create Your Destiny Course. 

Like so many of the attendees, I now have the techniques to begin understanding and making major changes in the way I live my life, my role in my failures and successes, my relationships and the choices I make.

I was hesitant to undertake the course as my commitments over the last couple of months have left me quite short on time. However, I am so glad that I did.

I was in the process of selling our home and was literally freaking out at the prospect of lots of strangers wandering through at numerous open for inspections. As a result of your training, I realised that I was putting my focus and energy on the challenges rather than on the outcome of selling the house for the price we wanted. I changed my focus to the outcome and the house sold the next day and for the top of our price range

In one of the first meditations in the course, I had an idea for a children’s book come into my mind. I wrote down the name and plot, put it aside and didn’t think much about it.

A couple of weeks later, you talked about the Alchemical principals and how most people never follow through. When the session ended, I sat down and wrote the book. I am about to do the illustrations and I can then get it bound and present it to my grandson for his birthday. It may or may not ever be published but I do know that it will be a precious gift for one little boy.

Getting through the homework was a challenge but from the first live session, I knew that it was worth the effort and commitment. I have only just started to discover my inner genius but I definitely have clarity about where that is headed and have many tools to continue the journey. I have enrolled in the Alchemy for Success Course as I know that only good will come of the work I have commenced with you. 

Faye Baxter

The Secrets to Natural Success is a Gift. A massive wonderful gift that has reignited my creativity, given me greater confidence and commitment to pursue my heart’s desires and all because of the generosity of one William Whitecloud.

I cannot express the gratitude I am feeling at this moment and the happiness knowing this was given to me and delivered by William and a world wide group of Team Leaders and volunteers.

Such is the power of what he offers that people just have to share the good news. 

For me as a Christian, William’s teachings sit well with my beliefs and in fact they cross over into my spirituality in a way that is at first not apparent but later is magical. Both are built on Love, Wisdom, Respect and Serving others. 

Thank you.

Sonia Fingleton

I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to William for offering his CYD(Create Your Destiny) course.

After the myriad of life and business trainings I’ve undertaken, this is the first time I’ve really woken up to why humans don’t reach their full potential.

By doing one of his processes, the Land Of Plenty, I realised there were so many things I wanted to do that I haven’t consciously given myself permission to do and I can’t wait to get started.

Even though I’ve written two books already, I now know that I’ve largely had the wrong approach, so I’ve also signed up for his writing course. After listening to just the first lesson I wished I’d found this years ago.

Saying that something is life changing can sound a bit cliché these days, but in this case the CYD course really is something that can change your life so don’t pass up this opportunity because William is the real deal!

It’s already transported me to a world of blissful opportunities where people are acknowledging my greatness. I guess I just had to accept that for myself first

Susan McLachlan

I recently took William Whitecloud’s course, “Create Your Destiny” and I have to say that in all my 30 years of taking courses and reading books to learn how to manifest things, I still haven’t created much in life.

Create your Destiny is the best course I have taken when it comes to manifesting a new life.

His books and course opened up a whole new world for me.

It is exciting now to live life and know that I can manifest whatever I want using the skills he taught me. I suggest to anyone to take his course, especially if he offers it for free!

The course is worth so much because once you learn how to create anything, you can create whatever you want.

I highly recommend his courses and his books.

It will blow your mind once you learn this information.

Joan Rodriguez

Natural Success Advanced

Writer's Genius