Natural Success Newsletter
Words from William
This Newsletter Contains:
- Christmas Gift – Superconscious and Create Your Destiny
- Helpdesk Announcement – Christmas Holiday
- The Sequoia Retreat
- The Antivenom Foundation – Magic in the Form of Donations
- The Belief Series – I’m Powerless
- Christmas Greetings
Superconscious and Create Your Destiny
Making 1 million magicians…
The festive season is all about magic and sharing gifts with our loved ones. And what could be more magical than giving those you care about a second chance in life? ?
I teach premises and principles on how to bring dreams into reality. My work has helped to transform thousands of lives, and I couldn’t be more grateful for having created a model (over the last 30 years) and making it available online so that I can achieve my dream of making 1 million magicians.
I would love for everyone to be empowered, live in a way that’s true for them, and create more than they have ever believed possible.
As one of our course participants, Mital, said, ‘For 30 years I’ve been on the path to find out stuff, with so many questions partly answered. William Whitecloud answers them all by miles! I’m doing his CYD course and reading his book. This is the Elixir we all seek.’
Here’s an opportunity to forward the link to the waiting list to register for the upcoming Superconscious Intuition & Create Your Destiny (CYD) round 8 in March 2023.

Helpdesk Announcement
From December 24th to January 1st, our helpdesk will be closed in honour of the holidays.
Please be sure to contact our helpdesk prior to December 24th if there is anything you need urgently.
Wishing you a magical holiday season! ✨❤️??
The Sequoia Retreat
In September this year, I held a private retreat for my coaching clients – the fantastic Razor’s Edge group members who learn and apply the premises and principles of creating and achieving spectacular results.
People travelled thousands of miles to meet in Three Rivers, California, to spend a week together and take their creations to the next level. And what a week that was! We did high-level work together, had a few speakers (who created their dreams despite very challenging circumstances), saw lots of bears and swam in wild rivers! ?
Whilst many lessons were learnt, a big one that I wanted to share with you is that creating inevitably involves change. So, when we create and stand in our power, change will happen. There’s no creating without change. And no significant change without creating.
Old structures will break down, and new structures will emerge. I doubt anyone appreciates it whilst it’s happening, as it appears as if everything is falling apart…but you can’t build new structures if you can’t let go of the old ones. That’s the power of being a creator: the ability to let go of the old.
From my experience, very few people look at what is ahead… they only look at what they stand to lose, and so they hold onto fear. But when you’re in fear, you give yourself options, mostly weak ones. When you follow your true nature and purpose, your only option is to go for the truth, which will always serve you in your highest good.
When you’re creating, a powerful question to ask yourself is, are you focusing on your reservations of what you stand to lose, or your positive expectation of what you stand to gain? Focus creates reality.
Here’s a group photo of the legends on our Sequoia retreat. ❤️

Antivenom Snakebite Fund
Each year hundreds of people are bitten by snakes in Africa. Untreated, many people die, lose limbs, or can no longer work and support their families.
Antivenom serum is incredibly expensive compared to the wages most snakebite victims receive for their work, making it untenable to get treatment.
We have a system in our advanced trainings that when a participant is late for a session, they must pay a voluntary fine. All fines go to The Eswatini Antivenom Foundation. Last year we donated US $45,000, and this year another US $9,000. A huge thank you goes to everyone who went along with the spirit of our accountability system and donated! ❤️
This is what Thea, the founder of the Eswatini antivenom foundation, had to say after our recent donation:
‘The Antivenom Foundation relies on the kindness of people to help ease the pain, provide antivenom, and pay for specialised medical treatments for the victims of snakebites.
Financially, it has been a very tough year. The looming snakebite season has kept me awake many nights, wondering how we would keep going with so many people relying on us.
We were down to almost zero in our bank account when I received the fantastic news that William Whitecloud had a donation for us. I cried with joy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ??
Not all heroes wear capes! ?’
If you’d like to find out more about what they do, please see here:
The Belief Series – I’m Powerless
If you are familiar with my work, you will be aware that we all have unconscious beliefs; I covered a number of beliefs in the previous Newsletters and will address the remaining unconscious beliefs in the subsequent Newsletters.
The twelve Fundamental Belief Systems are shared by human beings in every culture and civilisation on the planet. By “fundamental”, I mean that no matter what diversity of form a Belief takes, it can be reduced down to one of twelve essential Beliefs.
Each belief seeks to compensate for its own sense of limitation, causing dysfunctional strategies and behaviours. Once you are awakened to their existence, you become more sensitive to their insinuations. This helps you hear the creatively low-level rubbish your Unconscious is trying to convince you of, and what is behind the limited, unwanted dynamics you have been creating in your life.
“I’m powerless” (very common)
Seeking: Outward/external results (symbols of power)
- Defining yourself by accruing symbols of power (big black cars and gold chains, for example). Often people with this belief appear very powerful. Once symbols are obtained, the game becomes how to keep them (because you are powerless).
- Characteristically being angry.
- Setting up power bases to overpower people. “I’ve got to get them before they get me.”
- Setting up circumstances to be a victim. Blaming others for what happens to you. “It’s not fair.” The strategy of the victim is to get saved by the person with the power.
- Assigning the power outside of yourself – “I can’t do it. It’s not my fault.”
- Often colluding with others to seek support for your viewpoint: “It’s not my fault, is it?”
- Manipulating people in order to get what you want. (Assumption is that others have the power.)
- Either acting power hungry or as a victim, because of the assumption of personal powerlessness.
- Unconsciously setting up situations to fail or lose—“I don’t have the power to get what I want.”
Merry Christmas
My team and I wish you a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. May you follow your intuition and create everything that your heart desires.
It is the season of magic, wonder and goodwill. Remember, there’s greatness within each and every one of you. There’s a higher side to you that leads you to the road of your dreams.
Your intuition is the inbuilt mechanism to guide you through your journey and take you to the best life possible – it will not lead you astray. All you have to do is listen.
Happy festive season! ✨❤️??
Thank you for being a part of the world’s #1 Creative Orientation community…. Keep in touch and know that we love you!
Love and magic,
William Whitecloud
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