Invest in Your Own Creativity, Not Formulas

You know how they say give a man a fish and he eats for a day, but teach him how to fish and you feed him for life. And you always think to yourself, “Yes, those poor dumb natives, deprived by their own ignorance.” You never take that little gem...

Happiness Hack #1

Want more happiness and growth in your life? Try this… Notice your habitual preoccupations. The things you always pay attention to, and especially the things that trigger you, that you react to, get upset about and feel an urgent need to address and bring...

Living in the End Result, Not the Problem

The most powerful way of looking at any problem is by first establishing what you want. Society does not train its members in that skill very well…at all. You can tell people’s relationship to unwanted situations just by how they talk about them. Most of...

About Changing For the Good

There’s a barrow that gets pushed nowadays about how life is not about serving ourselves, but about working for the good of the society or environment we are a part of. The insidiousness of this assertion lies in the fact that it is morally unassailable, and...

The Quickest Way to Take Off in Life

What I’m realizing more and more, lately, is just how much time and energy people spend coping with their circumstances. And how little satisfaction it gives them when they  appear to have everything under control. Though I never came close to feeling in control of...