Why Clearing Limiting Beliefs is a Fallacy

In this video, we’re discussing the ongoing stagnation and despondency in people’s lives because of the misconceived notion that clearing blocks and beliefs, and all other manners of fixing, is what it takes to create what you want in life. The determinant...

The Short Story of Emotions

Emotions – what their purpose is and how to use them to evolve to a new level of power and fulfilment. I used to be like virtually everyone else on Planet Earth. Whatever I felt, I thought was real. If I felt good feelings towards someone, I took for granted...

How Far Down the Rabbit Hole?

A while ago I posted this statement:”Every moment you occupy is an experience of a reality you created.”It’s a line from my book, Secrets Of Natural Success. A few people had some sincere reservations/questions about the statement, and I felt...

The Wonder of Emotional Power

The average person, sadly, only has a relationship with their identity, and thereby their own sense of limitation. They’re identified with their separate, mechanical, chemical nature. And society only encourages them in that view of themselves. As mythology...

The Past is Over

Alchemy is a process whereby lead is turned into gold with the agency of a substance known as The Philosophers’ Stone, which the initiated understand to be the Imagination (a stone that cannot be touched…a fire that cannot burn.) Throughout history the Imagination has...