
Why Clearing Limiting Beliefs is a Fallacy

In this video, we’re discussing the ongoing stagnation and despondency in people’s lives because of the misconceived notion that clearing blocks and beliefs, and all other manners of fixing, is what it takes to create what you want in life. The determinant...

The True Art of Manifestation

Here’s the brutal truth: A vision of what you want won’t by itself lead to you having it.And here’s why: End Results, positive or negative, are determined by the action taken towards them.  As an example, a study of negative patterns in people’s...


When I’m coaching people in their creative process, one of the most important secrets I can help them with is what I call “unfoldment”. In nature everything forms according to a mathematical relationship known as the golden mean or the Fibonacci...

The Past is Over

Alchemy is a process whereby lead is turned into gold with the agency of a substance known as The Philosophers’ Stone, which the initiated understand to be the Imagination (a stone that cannot be touched…a fire that cannot burn.) Throughout history the Imagination has...

Personal Development is for Turkeys, Alchemy is for Eagles

The other day I watched a clip of one of the world’s leading personal development gurus expounding the so called 3 steps of high achievement: Want, Clarity of the End Result and Intense, Unrelenting Focus on the End Result.  This is a formula for forcing results...