Lessons From Traditional Initiation

“First, the being within: that means you are not just a carcass with some grey matter computing the most logical way to survive. There’s a spirit inside, a pure creative spirit connected to everything through all time and space. This essence has a destiny,...

Choices and the Emotion of the True End Result

“Which brings us to the part that’s going to knock your socks off. Not long ago I was watching Tony Robbins’ TED talk. It’s mandatory viewing, I have to say. In his audience are some of the most highly accomplished people of our time, including Al Gore, former...

About Changing For the Good

There’s a barrow that gets pushed nowadays about how life is not about serving ourselves, but about working for the good of the society or environment we are a part of. The insidiousness of this assertion lies in the fact that it is morally unassailable, and...