Want more happiness and growth in your life? Try this…

Notice your habitual preoccupations. The things you always pay attention to, and especially the things that trigger you, that you react to, get upset about and feel an urgent need to address and bring everyone else’s attention to. Then take a holiday from that habitual perspective.

You’ll be surprised at how much more there is to life, how much more positive energy there is to be had outside of your addictive perceptions. If you have read The Magician’s Way you know that the sixth secret of magic is, “you get your energy from a higher source.” Well, guess what that higher source is? It’s no big mystery. It’s anywhere outside of your hypnotized attention span.

One definition of creativity is the ability to make connections that have not been made before. Addictive preoccupations block out creativity and, thereby, shut down our inspired insights and attitudes. We do so much to control our habits, and yet taking responsibility for our focus is about the most important thing there is in life. It affects our experience of life more than every other determinant put together.

The next best thing we can do, of course, is pay less attention to other people’s addictive preoccupations.

William Whitecloud

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