If you ask me, magic is real. 

There are many definitions of magic. Mine is simply this: the ability to harmonize with life. 

There are essentially 2 ways we can live by. One way is to try and control life by working it out based on past experience and then manipulating self, others and the world to comply with how we believe everything should be. It’s a bit like the tail of a dog believing that its job is to wag the dog. 

The other way is to receive our lives…to appreciate that our destinies are unfolding and that we have a self-conscious part to play in that unfolding, by being awake to the paths that open up for us and having the will to follow them. 

For sure, this second way is not the path of control, of certainty and security. It is a path of tremendous fragility, colossal vulnerability…but it is an awe-filled way, where the joy is in always looking back and beholding what has unfolded in ways you could never have seen, imagined or dreamed. 

When you live this way…and life unfolds in this way…you know what magic is. Let others believe what they want to believe. You know.

William Whitecloud

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