Joseph Campbell, the mythology guru, made the observation that the mind catalogues information for convenience. It’s a dynamic that we should be thankful for. To have to relearn the meaning of all things in our environment every time we encounter them would be a massive waste of energy, not to mention life threatening.

When I’m back in Africa, for instance, walking along a path in the bush, it’s handy that I already have my surroundings figured out. I won’t start in fright at the warble of a thrush in the undergrowth, and I won’t hang around to get bitten by an angry snake as that loud rustling in the tall grass moves inexorably towards me.

There are some obvious drawbacks to this cataloguing function, of course. Qualitatively, it makes us stale and depressed. Every day new blossoms bloom in our gardens but we don’t appreciate them fully because our rational minds assume, subconsciously, that we know all there is to know about flowers.

We hug our loved ones but the warmth of that connection won’t sink in too deep because, again, we figure we don’t have anything more to learn about these existing connections. Rationally we don’t want to fully absorb any experience we assume won’t teach us anything new. We sense things vaguely, not in any detail, because the details supposedly already exist in our catalogue.

So our experiences and relationship to people and things become very shallow, very bland. Which then causes us to dry up inside. We no longer have a vital, living, breathing connection to life, but instead live out of a suitcase of musty experiences we packed many years in the past.  

Creatively, the uninterrupted reference to our Unconscious catalogue keeps us oblivious to our Genius perspective and input. By not needing to be fully present, we are not aware of the deeper levels of reality in our field of self-conscious awareness. We filter out a swathe of objective details that are relevant to us in the moment.

Whether it be visual imagery or mental ideas or a certain sense of something, that which is so obviously standing out begging to be realized is pushed back into the dim recesses of awareness in favour of a convenient, preconceived summary of current reality. What would truly serve us to be aware of, what might be in our greater interest to be involved in, what could be more pleasing or effective, escapes us.

The perversity of a total capitulation to our rational cataloguing function is beautifully summed up by Albert Einstein, who said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant."

We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” I am no religious scholar, but in the Bible when Jesus is tempted by the Devil, he says, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” Metaphorically, he might well be commanding his Unconscious catalogue to stand back in order to allow his Super Conscious input to move to the forefront of his awareness. 

We can very easily put the faithful servant back in his place, and get Satan to get himself behind us. All we have to do is suspend our need to be in the known. When we do that, when we allow ourselves to be in the mystery, we cut ourselves off from our rote catalogue, and we are suddenly more fully connected to our current reality – we go into In No Sense.

The condition of Innocence can be described as a refreshed, heightened state of appreciation. Everything seems to stand out, become more vivid and alive. Our immediate and intimate connection to whatever we behold gives it a wondrous quality. Beauty is bestowed on our world by the novel and unique light we see it in. Time seems to stand still as our senses soak up the marvellous details of our experience.

Innocence is definitely a childlike condition. But don’t for a moment confuse it with childish naivety or ignorance. Wise men and women throughout history have revered Innocence as the basis of our creative power. In the epic sci-fi movie, Star Wars, when the young hero, Luke Skywalker, is making his final do-or-die bombing run over the evil Empire’s Death Star, he hears the voice of his mentor Obi Wan Kenobi’s spirit urging him to, “Use the Force, Luke, use the Force.” Luke shuts down his star fighter’s on board computer system and syncs his mind with the mystical Universal Force, which then guides him to fly and target the Death Star instinctively.

If ever there was a nod to the premise of shifting from the mechanically driven mode of Perception, to the mystically connected mode of Intuition this is it. By suspending his reliance on his pre-programmed rational intelligence system, Luke prepares his mind to receive the inspired direction of his own Genius.

So too for us, In No Sense is the bridge to our Intuition.

William Whitecloud

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