If you've read The Last Shaman by yours truly you will have. But for you stubborn hold-outs who haven't, an "Outside Event" is something that seemingly randomly and unavoidably "happens" that you perceive you have to deal with as a priority over, and at the expense...
Invest in Your Own Creativity, Not Formulas
You know how they say give a man a fish and he eats for a day, but teach him how to fish and you feed him for life. And you always think to yourself, "Yes, those poor dumb natives, deprived by their own ignorance." You never take that little gem personally. Though you...
The Most Powerful Person in the World
Every year Forbes Magazine lists its most powerful people in the world. Always topping the list are characters like Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump, followed by the usual list of superpower leaders, oil sheiks and world bankers. But Joseph Campbell told a story that...
The Old Must Die so the New May Live
I’ve decided to give up everything I’m doing! That’s the sensational opening to a Facebook post I made a few years back. And I went on to say… Yes, that's right, letting go of the lot. And here's why...Did you know that on average, among the world's top companies,...
When I'm coaching people in their creative process, one of the most important secrets I can help them with is what I call "unfoldment". In nature everything forms according to a mathematical relationship known as the golden mean or the Fibonacci sequence. It's a...
The Past is Over
Alchemy is a process whereby lead is turned into gold with the agency of a substance known as The Philosophers’ Stone, which the initiated understand to be the Imagination (a stone that cannot be touched…a fire that cannot burn.) Throughout history the Imagination has...
Two Kinds of People
My mentor used to say something that I have come to recognize as a profound truth: everyone can prove what they believe, because belief creates reality and so everyone points to the reality of their experience as irrefutable evidence of their position. But there are...
The Write Stuff
This will likely be of interest to my writer and speaker friends because it addresses the magic formula for reliably and consistently getting people excited about what you're saying. A while back I posted something that reached 99.95% of the people who like my author...
The Two Sides of Self
Within our consciousness exists simultaneously a mortal, wounded and limited nature, as well as an infinite, whole, undented and purely creative nature. When we stand in our mortal nature we experience life in line with our wounds and our limitations. Life is all...
The Magic Path
If you ask me, magic is real. There are many definitions of magic. Mine is simply this: the ability to harmonize with life. There are essentially 2 ways we can live by. One way is to try and control life by working it out based on past experience and then...
Practical Magic
Colin Wilson, author of The Occult and noted authority on matters metaphysical, said that Magic is the ability to live your life guided by intuition. I like and agree with his simple definition. But I also know that it is a profound art that takes as much learning,...
Personal Development is for Turkeys, Alchemy is for Eagles
The other day I watched a clip of one of the world's leading personal development gurus expounding the so called 3 steps of high achievement: Want, Clarity of the End Result and Intense, Unrelenting Focus on the End Result. This is a formula for forcing results in...
Living in the End Result, Not the Problem
The most powerful way of looking at any problem is by first establishing what you want. Society does not train its members in that skill very well...at all. You can tell people's relationship to unwanted situations just by how they talk about them. Most of the time...
Choices and the Emotion of the True End Result
"Which brings us to the part that’s going to knock your socks off. Not long ago I was watching Tony Robbins’ TED talk. It’s mandatory viewing, I have to say. In his audience are some of the most highly accomplished people of our time, including Al Gore, former Vice...
About Changing For the Good
There's a barrow that gets pushed nowadays about how life is not about serving ourselves, but about working for the good of the society or environment we are a part of. The insidiousness of this assertion lies in the fact that it is morally unassailable, and easily...
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