
Natural Success Newsletter

Words from William

This Newsletter Contains:
  • Soul Safari – Discover the Magic of Africa
  • The Past is Over
  • Coaching Opportunities with Natural Success
  • A Snakebite Survival Tale

Soul Safari

There’s nothing else like it

Our Women’s Soul Safari has come to an end, and what a magical adventure it was. 

Twenty-four ladies came together to learn about living concept-free, and they left as transformed women. The growth, the learnings, the deep connection with their hearts, and the realisation of their unique paths were all part of this wild and magical adventure into their souls and the wilderness of Africa. 

If you haven’t experienced the magic of our safaris, it’s hard to imagine how profoundly this experience resonates with your own nature. There is something about Africa, especially the places we go to and what we teach over there, that delivers an experience like nowhere else on the planet. 

The way it makes you want to live and break out of all your self-imposed inhibitions and fully come to life in all your greatness and magic, is beyond anything you have ever experienced before.

Our Soul Safari is the pinnacle of this work, teaching the intricacies of alchemy that allow you to transform and truly elevate your life to the next level. 

 Here’s a great video giving you a taste of our safaris:


I am currently in Africa, hosting one of our safaris, with two more scheduled. These highly sought-after events fill up quickly, and we have a waiting list with some participants waiting years to secure their spot.

However, I have some exciting news to share with you. If you would like to join one of our safaris with a massive discount of US $4,000, you can join our waiting list and secure the possibility to sign up for just US $10,000. The standard price for those not on the waiting list is US $14,000.

You can join the waiting list here (join ONLY if you are serious about fully committing to this phenomenal adventure). Please also ensure you read the requirements when you click on the link:


To join us on safari, you must have completed at least our foundational course, Create Your Destiny. Familiarity with our creative development work is essential for getting the most out of the experience. 

We ensure the experience is seamless for our participants. The exceptional value covers every aspect of the safari, including accommodation, meals, domestic flights, transportation, cultural tours, wildlife encounters, and various activities throughout the expedition. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the adventure without worrying about additional expenses. Please note, you will have to book your own return flight from your home destination to Johannesburg. 

While we don’t have the dates yet, we typically run our safaris in July and August.

The Past is Over

What we teach on our African safaris is that the past is over. This may sound self-evident, but it holds a profound truth, and it might be the most powerful principle you’ll ever come across in the realm of creative orientation, where principles and premises establish our creative practice.

When I started leading safaris, they posed significant logistical challenges, especially all those years back, with the lack of wifi and when dietary requirements weren’t well understood. 

Personally, I struggled with the belief that I wasn’t allowed to be capable. My belief in my incapability often led to meltdowns when faced with challenges like missed flights, visa issues at borders, or missing supplies. These situations forced me to step up, focus, and practice what I preached: the idea that definition creates reality. 

I had to redefine myself, not merely as capable but as a magician, someone of a magical nature where things come together naturally.

Adopting this higher definition transformed my reality. Instead of compensating for my incapability by trying to be capable, I embraced being a magician. This shift allowed everything to come together, often in the most magical ways, simply from adopting the definition of being a magician, which changes focus, conditions, and circumstances. 

The ability to work with definitions is the most sophisticated and effective instrument for creation. It’s an advanced technique that we teach on safaris. The multitude of experiences in Africa and people being taken out from their usual environment provide a practical context to understand and apply this principle creatively.

The key thing to understand about the principle of definition, especially the notion that “the past is over,” is its profound significance. 

We live in a society oriented towards the past because, from the moment we are born, our egos are at work trying to understand the world to function within it. From birth, our ego observes and locks in beliefs about how the world operates. These fundamental beliefs, formed early in life, become our unconscious guiding orientation in life. While we can change many assumptions, these core beliefs about our orientation remain fixed. 

As adults, when we are faced with new situations, our ego refers to these past definitions rather than assessing the present moment’s relevance. This can lead to responses based on outdated beliefs, such as feeling powerless in the face of authority, even when we have the capability to handle the situation effectively. 

To escape this matrix, we must stop identifying with these outdated definitions and recognize that our thoughts and feelings are illusionary. By using and identifying with higher definitions, we can transform our reality. For example, defining oneself as a “magician” can change one’s entire experience.

Creating from within the matrix is difficult, but creating from a place of pure potential is far more effective because we can create free from past conditioning.  

We must aspire to master this ability to redefine our reality by using higher definitions. As Einstein said, “Reality is an illusion, albeit a very convincing one.”

Coaching Opportunities with Natural Success

Thank you to those who have expressed interest in becoming an in-house coach for Natural Success.

We have onboarded a few coaches for the testing phase of our new product and are still in the process of reviewing coaching applications. Due to our involvement in other significant projects, it is taking longer than expected. If you have applied and haven’t heard from us yet, please be patient; your application is still on file.

However, if you haven’t applied yet but would love to coach for Natural Success, you can do so at the bottom of this article. Please be sure to familiarise yourself with the requirements below:

Requirements to Apply as a Natural Success Coach:

We are committed to excellence and delivering coaching services that elevate our clients’ lives, helping them create beyond what they imagine is possible.

To apply, you must:

– Be a Mastery graduate and have completed the full curriculum within the last three years.

– Have experienced coaching by a Natural Success trained coach to ensure a deep understanding of coaching practices.

– Engage exclusively with Natural Success methodologies during sessions.

There’s more, but the above are the basic requirements.


We provide training, high pay rates, and an incredible opportunity to work with the number one creative development brand in the world. This role will allow you to powerfully transform people’s lives.

We currently offer coaching services to help you take your life to the next level. If you’re interested, please contact our Helpdesk at support@naturalsuccess.io, and we will connect you with one of our expert coaches.

A Snakebite Survival Tale

At Natural Success, we believe in accountability and giving back to the community. As part of our advanced training programs, we have an in-house system where attendees who arrive late voluntarily contribute a $30 fine. 

These contributions are then donated to the Eswatini Antivenom Foundation, an organization dedicated to saving lives by providing crucial antivenom treatment to those in need.

The work done by the Eswatini Antivenom Foundation is nothing short of phenomenal, and we are immensely grateful for the generosity of our community. Your donations have a profound impact, helping to ensure that life-saving treatment reaches those affected by snakebites.

Here’s a touching story written by Thea Litschka-Koen in the founder of Eswatini Antivenom Foundation.

What Mkhulu taught me

Mkhulu was sitting on his grass mat in his traditional mud and stick home, when a Mozambique spitting cobra slithered through a gap in the wall. It came from behind the old man, and when he moved his foot, the snake bit him.

I received a frantic call for antivenom from the hospital as they didn’t have stock. Within two hours, Mkhulu received the desperately needed treatment.

He responded well, and despite the pain, was cheerful and laughed at all of us fussing around him. As I sat with him, he told me endless stories about snakes that he had learnt from his elders, his beliefs on how to keep them away, and how his children had convinced him not to use a traditional treatment but to go to hospital. 

Apparently, they had been to the community outreach program hosted by the Eswatini Antivenom Foundation and knew the importance of getting to a medical facility without delay.

The first few days looked promising. As always happens with bites from the Mozambique spitting cobra, there is always necrosis, no matter how much antivenom we administer. But the necrotic area was contained, the swelling had stopped, and we were confident that Mkhulu would soon be able to go home.

It was not to be.

Because of his diabetes, the wound would just not heal. By now, we were good friends. We both looked forward to the visits and long chats. As a subsistence farmer, having two legs was essential. Although in his 80’s, Mkhulu was fit and strong. His garden, chickens and goats were his wealth, and food security.

After several weeks, we received the devastating news that the only option was to amputate his leg below the knee. He held my hand tightly and with tears running down his ancient face, begged me; “fix it, please fix it, don’t let them take my leg”.

But we were out of options. If we didn’t remove the leg, he could lose his life.

When he was finally discharged from the hospital, he had lost so much weight and because of the extended hospital stay, had lost all his muscle mass. He was so weak, he couldn’t even use crutches.

My first home-visit was heart-breaking. He was sitting on his grass mat, with a blanket around his shoulders, thin as a reed and full of bedsores. His beautiful garden was dry – not a single vegetable had survived. His livestock was gone too, his stepson had sold them. Because he couldn’t use his crutches, he couldn’t go to the bathroom. He had nothing to eat except for a thin porridge.

The priority was adult diapers, and food. Followed by a wheelchair and because he didn’t have the strength anymore to pull himself up onto the chair, we got him a bed. The first bed he had ever slept in. He could shuffle from the bed onto his chair and wheel himself outside.

I learnt a great deal from Mkhulu. As a subsistence farmer, when he lost his leg, he lost everything. From being a proud leader of his little homestead, he became a pauper, begging for help and hand-outs. Snakebite isn’t just the treatment of the bite – we need to understand that lives are changed forever, the effects last a lifetime. The mental burden is as significant as the physical.

Mkhulu lived for another year, before passing peacefully in his new bed. His dignity restored.

Mkhulu in his first-ever bed after suffering a snakebite and the amputation that followed.

If you feel inspired to contribute further and support this vital cause, please click on the link below:


Thank you for being a part of the world’s #1 Creative Orientation community…. Keep in touch and know that we love you! ❤

Love and magic

William Whitecloud

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