How Far Down the Rabbit Hole?

A while ago I posted this statement:”Every moment you occupy is an experience of a reality you created.”It’s a line from my book, Secrets Of Natural Success. A few people had some sincere reservations/questions about the statement, and I felt...

Living in the End Result, Not the Problem

The most powerful way of looking at any problem is by first establishing what you want. Society does not train its members in that skill very well…at all. You can tell people’s relationship to unwanted situations just by how they talk about them. Most of...

The Quickest Way to Take Off in Life

What I’m realizing more and more, lately, is just how much time and energy people spend coping with their circumstances. And how little satisfaction it gives them when they  appear to have everything under control. Though I never came close to feeling in control of...

Attracting More Money

Everywhere I go in the US, it seems, everyone is talking about money, and rhetorically asking what the hell they have to do to get some. Well, that kind of desperate focus is a sure way to repel the stuff, I assure you! When it comes to being set financially it helps...