
Fatal Misconceptions

No matter how well you can swim, if you’re swimming against the current, or rip as we say in Australia, you’re not going to go anywhere fast. In terms of consciousness there are certain misconceptions that will impede your personal growth and success as surely as any...

The Wonder of Emotional Power

The average person, sadly, only has a relationship with their identity, and thereby their own sense of limitation. They’re identified with their separate, mechanical, chemical nature. And society only encourages them in that view of themselves. As mythology...

For Those Who Can Handle the Truth

For those who can handle the truth here it is…You are a being of light. That is the most accurate way of describing who you really are.  Like the light of day you are connected to everything through all time and space and that is the basis of your creative...

The Old Must Die so the New May Live

 I’ve decided to give up everything I’m doing! That’s the sensational opening to a Facebook post I made a few years back. And I went on to say…  Yes, that’s right, letting go of the lot. And here’s why…Did you know that on average, among the...


When I’m coaching people in their creative process, one of the most important secrets I can help them with is what I call “unfoldment”. In nature everything forms according to a mathematical relationship known as the golden mean or the Fibonacci...

The Past is Over

Alchemy is a process whereby lead is turned into gold with the agency of a substance known as The Philosophers’ Stone, which the initiated understand to be the Imagination (a stone that cannot be touched…a fire that cannot burn.) Throughout history the Imagination has...